
Michael Schmidt

Casper Dreef

Vlado Pribolšan


Wolfgang Pempe

Pål Axelsson

Nicole Harris

Pending Actions

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Casper Dreef2021-01-18 Service Support Weekly Meeting
Michael Schmidt2020-02-24 Service Support Weekly Meeting
Michael Schmidt2020-02-24 Service Support Weekly Meeting
  • Check with Nicole/Marina/Licia regarding the duplicate dashboard Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt2019-12-09 Service Support Weekly Meeting


OLA (Michael)

  • Nicole wrote a mail to the service owners => they agreed to work on OLAs/DPAs this week

DPA (Vlado)

  • No updates

GDPR & Service Status Dashboard (Vlado)

  • GDPR statistic updated

Policy and Governance - eduGAIN (Casper, Pål)

  • A lot of high level discussions. It's difficult to make everyone happy.
  • First draft ready, will be released next week.
  • To keep it implementable by the majority of federation operators, there are less must requirements than expected

Policy and Governance - eduroam (Casper, Wolfgang)

  • Casper will ask Wolfgang

Policy: CoCo (Pål, Wolfgang) 

  • CoCo inforshare this morning by Mikael Linden & Nicole
  • Waiting for instructions from the European data protection board

Other topics

  • None

Next meeting