
Michael Schmidt

Casper Dreef

Vlado Pribolšan

Pål Axelsson


Nicole Harris

Pending Actions

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Casper Dreef2021-01-18 Service Support Weekly Meeting
Michael Schmidt2020-02-24 Service Support Weekly Meeting
Michael Schmidt2020-02-24 Service Support Weekly Meeting
  • Check with Nicole/Marina/Licia regarding the duplicate dashboard Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt2019-12-09 Service Support Weekly Meeting


OLA (Michael)

  • Reached out to Davide
    • Still waiting for feedback from PSNC regarding the OLA draft
    • Tomasz is investigating what is stoping PSNC management from responding
    • There will be a meeting with the PSNC management
  • eduraom OLA is further delayed because of changes in the eduraom team

DPA (Vlado)

  • No updates

GDPR & Service Status Dashboard (Vlado)

  • There were some changes made to the dashboard by Service Owner => Vlado will check them
  • GDPR fines updated

Policy and Governance - eduGAIN (Casper, Pål)

  • First meeting of the future working group takes place in about two weeks

Policy and Governance - eduroam (Casper)

  • The policy will be discuss during the next eduroam board meeting

Policy: CoCo (Pål) 

  • Multiple meetings recently to discuss the new direction (CoCo v2 will be a REFEDS best practice like v1)
  • Public consultation later this year
  • Version 1 will remain valid for a longer period

Other topics

  • None

Next meeting