- Which Research Infrastructure are you representing?
- Which type of science are you serving ? (Frascati manual of Fields of Research and Development (FORD)) (can we compile a list!?)
- Please provide description about the research infrastructure, geographical distribution, participation which kind of instrastructure is operated and by whoom, where, is there a formalised collaboration etc.
- Please provide description of the user audience e.g. number of users, distribution over the globe and organisationorganisations.
- Do you cater for users from the citizen scientists or industry users?
- Is your the RI member of EOSC?
- Is your the RI participating in Citizen Science Programmes or other initiatives or programmes?
- Does the Research Infrastructures have a access policy (document that defines principles governing access to the research infrastructure and the further utilisation of the results)?
- Which process is used Is there a formalised procedure to manage access rights to services (e.g. cooperation agreement, call for application and evaluation, ad-hoc individual order/access, member of an organisation, etc.)?
- What are the requirements for identification of the users (e.g. required information, LoA, authentication method)?
- How do you implement the policy for access management (e.g. how is the individual who can access the research research data/measurement data/your research instrument identified and authorised)?