Different research communities and infrastructures may have different authorisation policies that govern how access to resources (including sensitive data) is granted. Mapping group memberships and roles managed by the community to capabilities required for accessing infrastructure resources can be a complex task. Furthermore, the lack of standardised mechanisms for requesting specific identity claims or claim values can lead to inconsistencies and confusion for users when accessing resources across different infrastructures. These challenges can create barriers to efficient and effective sharing of resources, hindering collaboration and cooperation across scientific disciplines. This task will address these challenges by developing common procedures and guidelines for authorisation, which will greatly benefit various thematic communities and Research Infrastructures.
Task 5: Decentralised Identities (M10-M24)
The task will provide guidance on the use of decentralised identities and digital identity wallets covering topics such as Distributed Identifiers, Verifiable Credentials, Verifiable Presentations, and Decentralised Storage. This is needed to support the EU Digital Identity Wallet (EDIW) initiative, which aims to provide individuals with a secure and privacy-enhancing way to store and use their digital identity credentials. Supporting EDIW will provide researchers with a convenient and secure way to manage their personal information, build trust, elevate identity assurance, and enhance security in accessing Research Infrastructures.