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- Status of SP-side (Mikael)


  • the two reports can reference each others 
  • the two documents can then be provided up in the project structure (Licia/David in AARC, Ann/Nicole in GN4) and asked for the a plan for the next steps (GN4-2 structure changes, LoA in a JRA?)
  • SA5.1.4. could deliver the self-assessment questions/template 5/2016

- development of a tool to assist IdPs to self-assess their LoA.

  • Stakeholders: AARC NA3.1 "LoA", NA3.2 "SIRTFI", GN4.1.4 "Service aspects of LoA"
  • we cold take an open space slot in EWTI2015 in Vienna 2-3 Dec for tool planning
  • questions:
    • to what extent the tool can automate the evaluation of the answers?
    • what kind of evidence the IdP admin needs to present to the tool on its conformance? Does his/her self-evaluation need to be supported by some kind of documentation?
    • how does this fit the larger picture of eduGAIN monitoring? Do the various tools somehow integrate (e.g. anyone can throw IdP's entityID to some UI and it presents all the various monitoring/testing results for the IdP)?
    • Will the eduGAIN community approve an approach where the self-assessment tool exports an Entity Category attribute directly to eduGAIN MDS?

- next vc: Thursday 26th Nov 1214-14 CET




 15 CET