eduroam Development VC, 20181113, 1530 CET

Stefan Winter, RESTENA
Jørn de Jong, Uninett AS
Ingimar Jonsson, RHnet IS
Gareth Ayres, Swansea UK
Maja Gorecka-Wolniewicz, Pionier
Stephanie Cooper, ANYROAM
Philippe Hanset, ANYROAM
Miroslav Milinovic, SRCE/CARNET
Zenon Mousmoulas, GRNET
Louis Twomey, HEAnet



1) Welcome, agenda bashing

2) geteduroam update
    installer signing ongoing
    app-only flow goes away - visiting a website first is included in design now
    SAML is not a single way of auth any more; arbitrary auth mechanisms possible (main focus still SAML)
    eduGAIN not in place yet; currently only one IdP. Difficult decision what to enable and what not in eduGAIN
    Stefan interested in testdriving. If "RESTENA Staff" IdP could be added
    Main difference between geteduroam and Managed IdP is that Managed IdP is centralized (part of CAT), geteduroam is distributed

3) eduroam Managed IdP launch prep status

   * Thy certificates hath been created
   * beta of new Android app with Managed IdP support 
     Philippe has plans for a fork/development of the app with emergency notification system, possibly debugging aid
     eduroam Companion app is independent from GEANT project. We have no insight into source code or road map. People interesting the app should contact Mark O'Leary from JISC.
4) iOS 12 - spotty reports about problems
    everybody who sees issues please report for further investigation
5) AOB, next VC

    SW to investigate possibilities to add a message on the CAT frontpage that eduroam is international. Just to get message across to students early.

   according to schedule: 27 Nov 2018, 1530 CET

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