Pilot testing of FoD v1.6 (with Warden, Repshield, FRU) finished and pilot report deliverable about this sent to TAs for review
Now it has to be planned what to do next regarding FoD v1.6; from the testing it became evident that 3 areas have to be addressed:
some of the improvements regarding usability identified during the testing have to be selected and realized
operation (e.g. stability, availability) and documentation needs to be covered in more extent
user's preferences for mitigation have to be taken more into account, e.g. by appropriate user settings; for this a more use-case oriented analysis of mitigation possibilities has to be performed by the task
DDoS Detection/Mitigation (D/M) WG
GARR DDoS D/M PoCs/Testing Framework
White paper draft was sent to task;
David will sent some comments: especially maybe more can be told about the conduction and course of the PoCs in order to be even more beneficial to other institutions how want to perfom similar PoCs: e.g. what steps need to be done, what errors to avoid, what to take into account, how to verify components (including besssimulating attacks)
The results of the white paper will be presented in next SIG NOC meeting
Next VC
In 2 weeks: 14.11.2018, 14:15-15:15 CE(S)T
Action items
Evangelos: check status of ACONET's issue of accessing FoD in combination with IPv6/EDUgain
David: test DDos testing tool provided by Tomáš
all: next regular T6 VC: 14.11.2018, 14:15-15:15 CE(S)T