1. NREN responses: 

    GÉANT has in total 43 NRENs, from those: in total 38 responded 2 incomplete 2 not responded.

    35 NREN provide educational services in various levels of education:

    Pre-primary: 3



    Higher Education: 34

2. NRENs provide educational services beyond connectivity (from the 38 responses)

  • 25 NRENs responded that they provide additional educational services
  • 15 NRENs responded that they currently don't provide additional educational services
  • 4 NRENs did not respond to this question

3. Educational services we have evaluated in 2019


We have listed the following 10 educational services from NRENs.

4. Educational service levels

We have defined 3 levels for educational services (see above) for categorizing the status within the responding NRENs.

5. Overview of educational services and their levels in Europe 2019.

6. Educational services per NREN and their levels

From the total 25 NRENs who has responded that they provide additional educational services beyond connectivity, 23 NRENs provided response on how many and which levels they are regarding the 10 listed educational service.

7. Top 4 educational service - which NRENs and which levels overview

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