


We suggest the following improvements to the Audio Setup Wizard:

A. The welcoming screen is not necessary (Step 0 of 5).

B. First screen (Step 1 of 5): It would make sense to select audio out device, set volume of audio out device, and test audio out device here

C: Second screen (Step 2 of 5): It would make sense to select audio in device here, set microphone volume / automatic gain control, and make a test recording in the same window (record/play). In that way, step 3 of 5 is not necessary. Step 4 of 5: According to documentation, the silence test does not apply any longer. This step can be removed. 

D. Third screen (Step 5 of 5) : Advanced audio settings: Remove microphone volume control and automatic gain control from advanced settings. It makes sense to have echo cancellation settings and audio quality setting here. In 7.5: Since the setting of the Speex codec is for the whole meeting, it should be placed elsewhere. Audio Setup Wizard is personal per client menu.

In this way you would get only three screens/windows in the wizard, and a more focussed interface with full audio control. 

Reason: Improving audio quality and management is vital for the users. It does not make sense, that audio out selection is not possible, and that vital functions such as detailed volume control for the microphone is hidden away under Advanced Setting. Audio Setup Wizard should do it all in a very simple way.


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