eduroam Development VC Minutes 2022-07-19 1530 CEST



  • Stefan Winter (Restena)
  • Maxime Houlbert (Renater)
  • Guy Halse (TENET)
  • Mike Zawacki (Internet2)
  • Sara Jeanes (Internet2)
  • Zbigniew Ołtuszyk (PSNC)
  • Zenon Mousmoulas (GRNET)
  • Stephanie Cooper (ANYROAM)
  • Tomasz Wolniewicz (PSNC)
  • Christian Rohrer (SWITCH)
  • Maja Gorecka-Wolniewicz (PSNC)
  • Hideaki Goto (Tohoku University)
  • Chris Phillips (CANARIE) - may not be able to stay on for whole call
  • Ingimar Jonsson (RHnet)


Agenda / Proceedings

  1. Welcome / Agenda Bashing

  2. CAT code (CAT / Managed IdP / Managed SP)

    • multiple translation runs had to be done to polish UI
    • validated that Apple small/cap letters are handled right by current code
    • publishing now imminent
    • hopefully done by end of this week
  3. Managed IdP - enabling OpenRoaming by default?

    • Enabling OR simply provides more service, without the hassle (NAPTR in our hand, installers auto-generated, client certs prevent Apple multi-prompt problem).
    • NRO still needs to turn this on/off for their own NRO space
    • IdP also needs to turn on on their tenancy level (yes/no and T&Cs pre-agreed or not)
    • next steps: inform those NROs who already use MIdP that this is an opportunity for change for them
    • for new NROs: add to the doc that OpenRoaming is a NRO-level and IdP and user decision
  4. CAT API questions/remarks

    problem: NRO cannot identify their own IdPs by the identifiers they assign themselves - only foreign identifiers present

    SW to check the DB VIEWs whether the NRO-provided identifiers are now visible to CAT; and expose them in DATADUMP-FED subsequently (pending)

  5. Wrap-up of inner vs. outer realm differences

  6. AOB / next VC: 16 Aug 2022 1530 CEST

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