This page lists relevant information on the Umbrella eduTEAMS pilot


Intake Form:

UmbrellaID eduTEAMS collaboration.docx


Background and project plan from Umbrella



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  1. user-cb212

    Notes from meeting on 7 February 2017:

    Present: Björn (UmbrellaID), Niels (Surfnet), Mandeep (Géant), Tangui (Deic)

    - Niels (et al.) have successfully deployed the identity hub as well as the registry service and are currently testing

    - only current issue is the inability to test with eduGAIN enabled services

    - Niels (et al.) will deploy a separate instance for the UmbrellaID pilot:  
    -> slightly delayed, but probably done at the end of the week

    - Niels sends an email to Björn with requirements as well (as a shib-config)
    -> Written as we speak, should be available with test instance.

    - Björn to look at attribute resolver stuff (I got a bit lost there) in Shibboleth  IdP: 
    -> it looks promising but not solved yet, Björn needs testing.

    - Mandeep to meet with Björn for an introduction to comanage, workflows, etc. 
    -> Mandeep sends an invitation