JRA3-T4 VC 13 June 2017, 1530 CEST





  1. Stefan Winter, RESTENA

  2. Reimer Karlsen-Masur, DFN-CERT Services GmbH

  3. Brian Epstein, Institute for Advanced Study

  4. Maja Gorecka-Wolniewicz, PSNC

  5. Tomasz Wolniewicz, PSNC

  6. Ingimar Jonsson, RHnet

  7. Marko Eremija, AMRES

  8. Žilvinas Vaira, LITNET

  9. Brook Schofield, GÉANT




  1. Zenon Mousmoulas, GRNET

  2. Jørn Åne, UNINETT



Agenda / Proceedings



1. Welcome, agenda bashing


2. Windows 10 "funny" new behaviour after Creators Update

We have a go-ahead for an update to cat.eduroam.org tomorrow: CAT will start to deliver GEANTlink enabled profiles to Windows 10 from then on. This is not done just for Creators Update users - all Win 10.

3. Managed IdP: feedback on the TNC17 features requested via the list

Side remark: updated product presentation at https://wiki.geant.org/download/attachments/66650390/Managed%20IdP%20Product%20Presentation.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1497352011879&api=v2


4. Thoughts about "Force HTTP proxy"

Provocative, to get a discussion started: Are we actively helping censorship thrive? Should we maybe just not?


5. eduroam users changing their affiliation - how to delete old profiles

Those profiles will stop working right? If they don’t (like many places) success.

Windows deletes old eduroam SSID settings when you run the new installer (all network definitions with the profile *name* eduroam (which is not necessarily the same as the configured SSID eduroam)

Android only allows apps to delete settings they created themselves. If old setting came from app, then it will overwrite settings. Otherwise: error message during new installation attempt, user needs to delete Wi-Fi settings manually.

Apple: profiles are unique per IdP (by having a per-inst UUID): changing settings and reinstalling on same IdP overwrites; but when there are different IdPs, multiple profiles are on the system. Which one actually gets used when connecting is not known by Stefan right now, would need some testing.


6. AOB / Next VC

  * 27 June 2017, 1530 CEST

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