(Work in progress..)
Ansible Command:
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/(PLATFORM-TO-DEPLOY)/teip.yml playbook/site.yml --ask-vault-pass
Prepare a new platform:
To prepare a new platform, there are some directory to prepare:
To prepare eduTEAMS platform, you must copy the following directories. Replace "new" with the name that was chosen for the platform.
After new platform is ready, you have to modify some files:
FILE: group_vars/EXAMPLE/secrets.yml
Secrets contains all important data. After changing the fields, you must encrypt it through ansible-vault
COMMAND: ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/EXAMPLE/secrets.yml
You must provide a new password (PASSWORD)
DIRECTORY: group/vars/EXAMPLE/logos
Those directory contains all static images
DIRECTORY: group/vars/EXAMPLE/certs
Add all certificates files inside this directory (It is recommended to encrypt all those files with ansible-vault)
Add idhub URL or IP address, then add the platform name.
Edit variables with all set desired for the new platform