- alexandru cacean
- Sclifos Constantin
- Elena Torroglosa
- Henri Mikkonen
- Janne Lauros
- Jule Ziegler
- Janusz Ulanowski
- Maarten Kremers
- Roland Hedberg
- Hackathon
- OIDC Shibboleth implementation
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5min | minifed | Alejandro Pérez Méndez just updated the minifed vagrant+ansible, adding configuration items and decoupling the ansible from vagrant, so it can be used with LXC or other hypervisor/providers (see the full update on the OIDCfed mailing list). | |
30min | Hackathon |
- ports 8-9000, 22 - no filtering on the local WIFI LAN
OPs: - (pyOP flask) - currently fedoidc based on cherrypy (minifed) - ShibOP - SaToSa RPs: - IOS - Android - python RP (minifed) - PHP (Constatin)
| |
15min | OIDC Shib implementation | Set up a montlhy or milestone based update call with the Shib Core dev team (after the Hackathon) | |
10min | AOB | Roland Hedberg reports about the OIDC-OAuth Deployment Working Group: It's a group with a biweekly call, they're gathering information on OIDC/OAuth use cases. Worth keep an eye, Roland is participating to the calls. Davide Vaghetti propose agenda items for next call:
Action items
- Hackathon wiki page - Davide Vaghetti