- alexandru cacean
- Sclifos Constantin
- Henri Mikkonen
- Janne Lauros
- Jule Ziegler
- Maarten Kremers
- Charlie van Genuchten
- Hackathon (wiki page: OIDCfed Hackathon)
- Pilot
Discussion items
Time | Item | Notes |
20 min | Update on development | PHP/RP implementation
Implicit flow should be complete and working before the hackathon, the authentication code flow can wait. Shib OP
40 min | Use Cases | OIDC vs SAML2: OIDC Federation: - OIDC OP proxy in front of SAML IdP: do we still need the OIDC Federation? -- Henri: what about the RPs? How can you trust an RP without Federation? Proposal from Davide: why don't we try to create a WG? Could be a spin-off of the existing REFEDS OIDC WG, or another one Jule Ziegler will organize a VC with Hervé, Maarten, Davide and Janusz to discuss this further. Maarten Kremers will send around his notes and questions from the discussion he mentioned. |
Action items
- Jule Ziegler will organize a VC with Hervé, Maarten, Davide and Janusz to discuss this further.
Maarten Kremers will send around his notes and questions from the discussion he mentioned.