

  • Intro
    • Not everyone has still updated the who's who.
  • Terminology
    • Wolfgang has made an initial suggestion for how to start defining the terminology that we discussed at the meeting. We will divide the work in two sections, Wolfgang will look from a "transport protocols" perspective (including things like actors etc..) and Niels will look at the trust infrastructure. They will present a first draft in two weeks.
  • Current state of EUDIW
    • Amineh presented ideas on how to document the current state of the EUDIW. We will first start looking at it from a general perspective then look at it from an NREN perspective and finally from a national perspective. Stefan and Amineh will have a meeting to discuss more detailed before next weeks meeting.
  • Action Items
    • Updated action items.
  • Face-to-face meeting
    • Stefan suggested having a face-to-face meeting for the wallet team in May. The dates that people at the meeting were available was May Monday 26th to Wednesday 28th. The idea would be that we maybes start on Monday at 14 and end on Wednesday around lunch. Amineh will check if we she can host the meeting. Stefan will check with the rest of the team if they are available those days.
  • Next meeting

Action items





Think about how to start working on the terminology


Think about how to start working on the current state of EUDIW


Fill in or update the who's who for the team
Who's who - quick intro


Decide on place and dates for team meeting


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