Contact: Licia Florio (NORDUnet)

This work package’s main objectives are::

  • Provide an efficient management framework to enable the project to deliver efficiently and effectively

  • Manage the overall reports, period reviews, financial aspects and deliverables (including the Data Management Plan)

  • Support WP Leaders to carry on with the day-to-day management of their tasks,

  • Identify challenges and overcome obstacles in the project. Strategic engagement with relevant initiatives.

  • Liaise as necessary with the European Commission and with other relevant initiatives with the aim to discuss developments relating to policy and channel European policies relevant to the R&E community.


Task 1 Overall Project Management

This Task is to lead the project as a whole. The Task will offer:

  •  Define the necessary framework, including the Grant Agreement (M2) and Consortium Agreement (M3) to ensure that the project works smoothly

  • Ensure that each result undergoes quality assurance which includes internal review and external consultation as required by each specific outcome.

  • Support the organisation of three project meetings in total. To reduce travel (and in line with the EC policy of the green deal), an effort will be made to collocate physical meetings with other events where the RIs would be expected to attend (for instance FIM4R, etc.)

  • Coordinate the overall project including reports, period reviews, project management board (PMB) which will take place monthly and will be attended by all WP leaders) and ensure that the work plan and the project’s goals are followed.

  • Support Activity and Task Leaders decision-making and resolution of issues at the lowest possible level.

  • Management of the project website, wiki and mailing lists.

  • Collaborate with WP6 and WP7 on the exploitation and sustainability of the KERs and of any other relevant result that the project will deliver. This work is particularly critical as the adoption of AARC TREE results is expected to take place outside the project.

Task 2 Strategic engagement with existing initiatives and overall project strategy

  • Define a strategy to engage with relevant projects, initiatives, stakeholders and other potential communities not directly involved in AARC TREE, such as non-EU RIs, EOSC Association, REFEDS, eID, wallets and other EC-funded projects.

  • Ensure that the engagement with other external groups and activities is in line with the AARC TREE objectives and strategic goals.

  • In collaboration with all WPs and with WP7 in particular, coordinate AARC TREE’s presence at relevant events.

  • Act as the interface between the EC and the rest of the project.

Task 3: Finance and administrative tasks

Overall administrative management

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